54 research outputs found

    Assessing the Number of Components in Mixture Models: a Review.

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    Despite the widespread application of finite mixture models, the decision of how many classes are required to adequately represent the data is, according to many authors, an important, but unsolved issue. This work aims to review, describe and organize the available approaches designed to help the selection of the adequate number of mixture components (including Monte Carlo test procedures, information criteria and classification-based criteria); we also provide some published simulation results about their relative performance, with the purpose of identifying the scenarios where each criterion is more effective (adequate).Finite mixture; number of mixture components; information criteria; simulation studies.

    Democracy and Economic Development: a Fuzzy Classification Approach

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    The aim of this work is to (1) analyse whether countries differ on political indicators (democracy, rule of law, government effectiveness and corruption) and (2) study whether countries with different political profiles are associated with different levels of economic, human development and gender-related development indicators. Using a fuzzy classification approach (fuzzy k-means algorithm), we propose a typology of 124 countries based on 10 political variables. Six segments are identified; these political groups implicate the access to different levels of economic and human development. In this study evidence of a positive but not perfect relationship between democracy and economic and human development is observed, thus presenting new insights for the understanding of the heterogeneity of behaviors relatively to political indicators.Democracy, Economic Development, Fuzzy k-means

    Corporate brand identity – a conceptual redefinition

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    There is a wide agreement that identity is a multidisciplinary concept. Branding is an identity expression. Although there are some frameworks to assess brand identity there isn’t an accepted definition. The authors consider this a gap in literature and investigate the components to assess brand identity under a holistic approach. Literature was reviewed and reinterpreted under an integrated perspective evolving corporate and brand identity studies. The authors propose a definition and nine componentscharacterizing corporate brand identity: reputation, culture, positioning, personality, relationships network, presentation style, communication, environmental influences and mission. Some are related with internal and others to external facets. The authorsare strongly encouraged to test these results empirically towards validity and reliability of the proposed construct.CIICES

    Using an integrative approach to assess brand identity

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    There is a wide agreement that identity is a multidisciplinary concept. The authors consider this an opportunity do develop a framework to assess identity. In a marketing context, literature reveals two approaches on identity: one focus on corporate identity and the other focus on branding. The aim of this paper is to integrate these two approaches to develop a synthesis framework to assess brand identity. Based on literature on identity the authors found nine components related to brand identity. Those components are described in this paper as well as the relation they have with brand identity. The authors hope that this synthesis approach contributes to a better understanding of the brand identity, and are very encouraging for refining this framework in the future.CIICES

    Aspectos Metodológicos da Segmentação de Mercado: Base de Segmentação e Métodos de Classificação

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    This work provides a broad review of the past literature on market segmentation, focusing on a discussion of proposed bases and classification methods. Multiple segmentation bases are detached, organized according to two axes - observable/ unobservable, general/ specific of the product and evaluated according to some criteria that must be satisfied for an effective segmentation: identifiability, substantiality, accessibility, stability, actionability and responsiveness Classification methods grouped in three classes - nonoverlapping, overlapping and fuzzy, according to the format of the partition matrix they provide.market segmentation, effective segmentation, segmentation bases, classification analysis

    The impact of national cultures on international marketing strategy and subsidiary performance of portuguese SME’s

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    The dynamic of the international business and its multidimensional nature requires the understanding of the complexities of different contexts dictated by cultural differences between countries. The purpose of this paper is to study, in depth howsmall and medium-sized companies develop their international marketing mix strategy in their overseas subsidiaries. We use the theoretical construct of Hofstede (1980, 1991) in the dimensions of Power Distance (PD), Uncertainty Avoidance (UA), Individualism (IND), Masculinity (MASC) and Long-Term Orientation (LTO) to assess the cross cultural differences between countries and the business practices to analyze the adaptation or standardization of the international marketing mix strategy of foreign Portuguese subsidiaries. Ourstudy uses an exploratoryand qualitative methodology. We conducted semi-structured interviews in order to achieve a good understanding ofinternational marketing mix strategy of four companies from different sectors. Our results show that the national cultural differences have great influence in the marketing strategy of the subsidiary. The business practices adjustments in the subsidiary company that proved to be necessary conditions for their performance are conducted by the products augmented offerings concerning the characteristics of the product, design and brand name in order to meet the requirements and specificities of the host country of the subsidiary

    The level of CEO compensation for the short and long-term - a view on high tech firms

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    AbstractThis study examines the relationship between corporate performance and the Chief Executive Officer compensation in high- technology firms in the S&P 1500. The total CEO compensation and short and long-term compensations were tested regarding corporate performance. A panel data SUR model is estimated and describes the total compensation and cash compensation as a proportion of total pay for the period between 2000 and 2010 in high-technologies firms. The findings indicate that there is a strong and positive relation between CEO compensation and firm performance. This econometric study provides a better understanding on the relationship between CEO compensation and performance in high-technologies firms

    O impacto da distùncia entre países na estratégia de marketing internacional: o caso das empresas subsidiårias portuguesas em Espanha

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    A natureza dinĂąmica do negĂłcio internacional e os contextos diferenciados ditados pelas diferenças entre paĂ­ses, leva a que as empresas internacionais enfrentem o desafio de encontrar o equilĂ­brio entre estandardizar e adaptar a sua estratĂ©gia de marketing mix nos mercados externos de modo a terem sucesso. O propĂłsito deste estudo Ă© contribuir para a compreensĂŁo do modo como as empresas portuguesas desenvolvem a sua estratĂ©gia de marketing no mercado espanhol. A nossa investigação parte da anĂĄlise do quadro teĂłrico do modelo CAGE (Ghemawat, 2007) para avaliar as diferenças entre paĂ­ses e averiguar qual o seu impacto na estratĂ©gia de marketing das empresas subsidiĂĄrias. O nosso estudo Ă© qualitativo e adota a metodologia de estudo de caso atravĂ©s da realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas em duas PME para alcançar uma melhor compreensĂŁo sobre o processo de formulação da estratĂ©gia de marketing internacional. Os nossos resultados indiciam que as dimensĂ”es de distĂąncia que tĂȘm maior influĂȘncia na estratĂ©gia de marketing da empresa subsidiĂĄria no mercado espanhol sĂŁo as dimensĂ”es culturais, administrativas e econĂłmicas, sendo a dimensĂŁo geogrĂĄfica a menos relevante. As adaptaçÔes que se revelaram ser condiçÔes necessĂĄrias para o sucesso do negĂłcio, consubstanciam-se na proposta de valor aos clientes atravĂ©s da marca, da diferenciação dos produtos,do design, do preço e da comunicação

    Identity – towards a conceptualization

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    The development of economical relations increases the interaction between organizations and stakeholders. It is no more acceptable to manage an organization under a transactional perspective where suppliers had a fundamental role. Nowadays organizations are being managed under a relational perspective where relations and relationship management in general have consequences in identity management (Hakansson e Snehota, 1989, 1995). A correct perception and management of identity is necessary to achieve distinctiveness in the competitive environment. This way, identity is influenced by relations with stakeholders in general and particularly with competitors. The ICIG concept states that identity is related with the values of the organization and it helps creating distinctiveness in the competitive environment (Van Riel, Balmer, 1997); Baker and Balmer (1997) state that identity is what the organization is; Suvatjis and de Chernatony (2005) refer that expressing identity is a dynamic process that evolves the use of a management model to face context changes; Kapferer (1991) states that brand identity is the project, the self conception of the brand. After reviewing and confronting literature under the plethora of identities’ concepts and perspectives (He, Balmer, 2007) one can’t find an integrative answer with all the elements that contribute to identity of organizations. The authors are strongly interested to contribute to the elimination of this limitation and to answer to strategic management needs. In a marketing context one can find: - the corporate identity approach that is focused in the distinctive attributes of an organization (Abratt, Balmer, Marwick e Fill, Stuart, Balmer and Gray, Alessandri, Suvatjis and de Chernatony) - the brand identity approach (related with the application of corporate identity studies to brands) - Kapferer, Semprini, Aaker, de Chernatony). Kapferer (1991), one of the most prolific authors in this field was the first author to integrate identity in a brand concept. In his view, identity is an emission concept. This idea is shared also by Aaker (1996). Yet, identity has to be managed in a competitive environment which is constantly changing. After reviewing and confronting literature, authors select concepts that are generally accepted by the investigators in order to design a model to analyze and manage identity: - corporate identity models: personality, image/reputation, culture, philosophy, mission, strategy, structure, communication - some of these concepts derive from identity models and others from identity management models; - brand identity models – Kapferer (1991, 2008) identity prism, witch is basis of literature in this field: culture, physical facet, personality, relationship (between brand and consumer), reflected consumer, consumers` self-concept. After discussion authors decide to include other concept in line with other authors` view: country of origin (Aaker, 1996). A discussion eliminates the twin concepts and the final selection is as follows: personality, image/reputation, culture (including philosophy and mission), strategy, structure, communication, culture, physical facet, relationship (between brand and consumer), reflected consumer, consumers` self-concept and according to authors` reflections “relationships” deriving from competitors` actions in competitive environment. Competitors’ actions and decisions have a stronger influence in the organizations` positioning than any other stakeholder as stated before. This is a work in progress towards a new model in identity analysis and management so an exploratory study will follow inquiring experts on identity in order to evaluate these concepts and correct the theoretical perspectives.CIICES
